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Top things to not say to a brain tumor patient...

So over the past few months I have experienced some pretty dismissing comments. I'm actually amazed that people would say these things ...

Monday, November 2, 2015

"You want me to ask my neurologist about what?"

New definition needed for the term "pot head."

It was recommended by one of my support team recently that I look into the benefits of medical marijuana and speak to my neurologist about the efficacy of it in relation to the side effects I am experiencing post surgery. In speaking to other members of my team they suggested I look into it and ask, it may help.

There are many concerns that I have. One of which is the "pot head" culture that has used this herb as a recreational tool. It is difficult to find any well written and well-researched information. Almost none of it is done in the United States. We instead rely on studies in the UK and Canada. They are more open to looking at the results and not worrying about the source of the cure.

It has been a difficult journey but I wanted to share what I have found and offer it as a discussion tool, simply as a way to help other brain tumor survivors. It is a challenge and many of us are willing to try anything that helps us to reclaim our lives.

In the United States:


In Australia:


In the United Kingdom:


And lastly Canada, eh?


None of these countries "recommends" it on the basis that studies are even now underway. They want more evidence to support it. What do people do who are waiting for something that can help the fog, the dumb, the fatigue, and dietary changes? When we are looking for answers I'm not going to trust the guy running the head shop down the street. If it could really help. If the oil from a seed could help me live my life, why can't I find anything on it? Nothing reputable, maybe it's just the waiting game. Something needs to be done. With the numbers of people who suffer from brain tumors and cancer in general, we need to fund the research that can look at real cures, real solutions, not killing the body to destroy the disease. I want answers, and there aren't any, yet.

This is never a position I imagined myself to be in, but at the same time, I never imagined surviving a large brain tumor either. God has had His hand in all of this, I need to slow down and trust. The answers will come as they must. I will push when I need to, but I can leave this here for now. He is in control and is working o guide me through this path. I can do all things in Him who strengthens me. God bless and keep you, I hope this helps.

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