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Top things to not say to a brain tumor patient...

So over the past few months I have experienced some pretty dismissing comments. I'm actually amazed that people would say these things ...

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Rediscovering Faith

Immediately following the diagnosis and surgery I had many deeply personal experiences where I knew completely that God was with me and my family. He was directly involved in making my life something more. He wanted my trust and faith in him. As time goes on that feeling can begin to fade, to feel almost dream-like. Did it really happen?

I have been blessed to retain vibrant memories of some of these experiences. They take place in color, as opposed to a disjointed black and white. Even as I recall the events I feel the fullness in my heart as my soul seems to take a deep breath. The truths I feel so firmly in my heart are undeniable. I find myself identifying with Joseph Smith in his explanation of his experiences. "I knew it, and I knew God knew it."

My experiences in no way meet or measure the things that he saw in his first vision when confronted with tangible proof of God and His son Jesus Christ, but I have experienced deep confirmation of definite truths.
  1. God lives.
  2. He loves us.
  3. He is our Father.
  4. Jesus lived and died for us.
  5. The Atonement is infinite and none of us is outside of His reach.
  6. The Priesthood is real.
  7. The faithful use of Priesthood power is the expression of Gods love for His children on earth.
  8. My family is Eternal.
If God lives and is our Father, he desires for us all that a parent desires for their children, to meet the fullness of their potential. God wants us to be more than we are. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we are given the tools to overcome temporal challenges and move beyond to embrace the light and divinity of our souls. Our souls glow brighter than we can believe. Our souls reach out to one another, seeking the connection we had when living with our Heavenly Father. As we embrace our potential and divine nature, we will be given the power and strength to rise above the struggles of our lives, simply to be more than we are alone.

This state is not my final destination; it is simply a tool that can be used to address character flaws and weaknesses. As I meet Gods plan for my life and work to serve Him, the desires of my heart will be met. We do not subjugate our will, we live in such a way as to meet and match Gods will for us. He desires our joy. He desires for us to continue into eternity, not to fade into nothing but to live in glory.

How can I deny these truths as they have become clear to me? I know it, and I know God knows it.

God bless, have a beautiful Sabbath.

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