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Top things to not say to a brain tumor patient...

So over the past few months I have experienced some pretty dismissing comments. I'm actually amazed that people would say these things ...

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Warning -Explicit language.

What the Hell!

I am so angry right now I could spit. After a few issues already with the office of my doctor here we go again. My follow-up, the 30 day review of everything I have gone through is later this week. After hearing many times and the final day in the hospital "I want to see you in my office in 30 days." (not too many ways to misinterpret that.) My follow-up is set with a nurse.

Nothing against nurses, they do amazing work. But apparently unless I need surgery again, I will never see my surgeon again. I have received better support and attention from my primary care doctor after this then the person who did the surgery. I get that he has a busy schedule but say it like it is. Don't yank me around.

If I hear one more falsely cheerful voice say "That is our policy" I'm going to throw things.

So Thursday I will have my last appointment and then I plan to never be in that office again. (If this means I never have another tumor, even better.)

Rant over and done.

Update: The nurse was OK, not great, and really hadn't reviewed my case well. The doctor had planned to try to step in but was called out of state for another surgery. He called me later that night and we reviewed things better in 10 minutes, than 30 minutes with an associate. He is amazing.

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