Today is the start of the Christmas holidays. Kids home make for crazy mom still recovering. I am trying to apply all I have learned from therapy and rehabilitation. New studies are coming out about brain food. Research trials are being started that are meningioma specific. Other studies offer hope for those suffering from different types of brain tumor. Family is here to help and the boundaries we have set are holding.
I made it through watching Star Wars with my family; my accommodations helped. It was pretty overwhelming and I didn't get much else done that day but it was worth it to watch the movie together with my boys.
Cookies got baked. Three of us working on it helped and one or two batches per day is really not much with the mixer. Gifts bought well in advance helped, wrapping was a breeze because all that was left were a few gifts and putting on bows.
Here is what I have found works.
1. Small daily effort does more than huge sustained effort.
2. Breaking chores into smaller tasks means I can rest whenever necessary.
3. Setting a daily, weekly, and monthly plan ensures that I don't lose track of my priorities.
4. Self care comes first.
5. Time for fun is a must; otherwise your emotional health suffers.
6. Its all about relationships.
7. No one cares about the grand gesture, being there and being emotionally available is all most people need.
8. Begin with what matters and the rest will find space or fade away.
9. Time for God is necessary for my spiritual and emotional health.
10. Write it down; memory problems can be circumvented if you write things down.
The holidays are doable. We are half over but are currently on track.
I am not overdoing it but that is still a possibility. Hope that you hold your loved ones close this year. Love you. God bless you.
A personal journey beginning the day I was rushed from the Emergency Room and admitted to the hospital to be treated for a large brain tumor. Through this life experience I try to share lessons I have learned and my faith in God is a large part of that. Some images can be graphic in nature, dealing with injury and subject matter can be triggering for some readers.
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Top things to not say to a brain tumor patient...
So over the past few months I have experienced some pretty dismissing comments. I'm actually amazed that people would say these things ...
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