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Top things to not say to a brain tumor patient...

So over the past few months I have experienced some pretty dismissing comments. I'm actually amazed that people would say these things ...

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Snowed In

Sometimes with healing I feel completely snowed with all that has happened. Covered in a land of icy white that leaves all to the imagination, under a layer of snow. I have found joy in the weather despite being homebound when this happens.

Everything is white and clean. The chill air calms my nerves and allows me to function longer and better. Summer heat and its resulting fatigue are only a memory. Everything smells lovely; cocoa and cider, cookies, and homemade bread. Taste is still a journey with part of my tongue numb, but I can enjoy the good stuff. A side benefit is that cookies don't taste quite the same, so I don't eat as many. I rest more, take it easy and slow. I'm more patient and willing to take my time with things.

A snowstorm has hit this week and today I woke up to find everything white. We can't even see the city on the east bench of the valley. Flurries continue to swirl and all I feel is safe and warm. Not everything is perfect, I don't need it to be. There are perfect moments of joy and that is more than enough. What a glorious journey life is.

God bless and keep you and may you find joy this holiday season.

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