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Top things to not say to a brain tumor patient...

So over the past few months I have experienced some pretty dismissing comments. I'm actually amazed that people would say these things ...

Friday, May 6, 2016

Grey Matters: How can you help?

Many organizations and groups purport supporting research and healing for victims of tumors and cancer. Many of these are worthy and worthwhile organizations. Others have high overhead and operate to compete for donation dollars. Working with smaller and more local organizations is often a way that you can ensure that funds reach the actual programs that you want to support. For example; Meningioma Mommas, one brain tumor group, actively works to fund specific studies and research. Funding dollars go to the studies and programs they are earmarked for. You can use consumer watch groups to sort out what non-profits actually spend funding on the victims and research.

To help in you I am making some resources available here. It has become apparent with the success of programs like Indie GoGo and Go Fund Me that grassroots fundraising can do more than it was first thought. Through small donations and support great change can occur. I fully encourage you to do what you can. With Mothers and Fathers Day around the corner, consider making a donation, in their name, to a cause that they believe in and support. It could be the gift that keeps on giving, for more than just your loved ones.

Resources for finding quality charities:

Self: Best and Worst Cancer Charities

Charity Navigator

Cancer Charity Scam on CNN

This is hard enough. Knowing that you face death or at the least a very changed life is hard. Knowing that there are those who make a business out of diverting aid to victims for personal gain, is just plain vile. There is a special place in hell for those who think to profit from someone else's pain. Do your research but don't let fear hold you back from doing what you can. Through small donations Meningioma Mommas was recently able to fund a study into atypical meningiomas. A study run by a doctor who carries a personal and vested interest in finding a cure. I love that when we work together that great change is possible.

God bless you.

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