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Top things to not say to a brain tumor patient...

So over the past few months I have experienced some pretty dismissing comments. I'm actually amazed that people would say these things ...

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Enough is Enough

Here it is. I faced dying last year. I have limited resources. I am unable to do many things. I am in almost near constant pain. all of that pales in comparison to the fear in my heart today. The issue that concerns me has to do with what passes for "news" and the level of poison and prejudice spewed by generally nice individuals toward others and about situations that they know nothing. I am fearful not because I believe that what they are saying is true, but that they are so completely blinded by propaganda that they do not even think to question or evaluate the prejudices they are continuing to spread.

It is vile. It is beneath us. These are people that I personally know and like. The trouble is that both sides include people that I like, and yet in this rhetoric driven world, they can never hear what the other person is saying because they are too busy repeating the garbage being served up to them.

My heavens, I almost died last year. What you are saying will not matter ten years from now. the political climate is fickle at best but the personal relationships that you are damaging have the potential to become eternal ties. Why waste your time and energy this way? You are not building something, you are tearing some one down.

There is no time taken for understanding. No space  or room left for differing opinions and points of view. And critical thinking seems to be a skill left off the table.

Let me offer a few personal insights.

1. The world needs a variety of points of view and experiences to create the best balance of ideas and policy to serve the members of society. We demonstrate this model best in individual families through times when we can learn about issues and counsel together, allowing each person a voice and a share in the discussion.

2. You will not like everything that happens or every choice another person makes. Get over it, you don't have to. Love the individual even if you do not love the decision.

3. You do not get to demean or diminish someone's voice. Each deserves the opportunity to speak and be heard without facing personal attack and threats. If you don't like what is being said, stop giving them a platform.

4. You absolutely have the responsibility to stop prejudice and base propaganda when you find it. It may not be toward you, but, if unchecked, is a threat to all who believe in freedom of thought and self expression. If you do not stand up for the rights of others, you may be the next person to be marginalized.

5. Stand up for something, but don't belittle another's right to stand up for what they believe. I would rather be for an ideal that I believe in than constantly fighting against something that I oppose. Positivity offers more power and strength than any negativity.

6. Apply critical thinking. Statements such as "always", "never", and gross generalizations should be avoided whenever possible. Even if it supports a stance or position you believe in. That position is stronger if you use honesty and accuracy whenever possible.

There it is, my personal code of how I will try to conduct myself post-crisis. Take it or leave it. I beg you to remember love and civility. Relationships are eternal, politics are transitory.

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