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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Singing Lessons

After losing my voice and speech this summer and then needing to relearn to speak correctly, I am now working on voice lessons. With speech therapy this is helping me to learn breath control, integrate relaxation of specific muscle groups, and manage my anxiety. Yes, for me, singing does all that. When not engaged in recruitment of alternate neck muscles, my neck pain and tension are also reduced. The next step is increasing fluidity of speech and word flow. What does that mean? That means the ability of my muscles to work together with my brain to flow over and around words like water without becoming fatigued.

The best way for me to learn necessary muscle and breath control is singing. It offers the side benefit of helping me to cope with invasive and sometimes debilitating tinnitus. So, I sing. Every day I sing. It is not pretty. It is not musical. It is helping.

Each night, I try to tuck my munchkins into bed with a song. We have found that they have definite preferences. Their preferences are very telling and help me see just where my sons are and how I can help to reassure them. Here are their hands-down favorites; much prettier versions any way.

For fun and variety my middle son likes to randomly toss this one into the mix:

The lessons I am learning singing are so much more than just about muscle control. God bless and keep you.

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