After 10 years working to help children and families, I can barely function in my own life. I need help to get through even a simplified version of my day. I am blessed in that I have incredible support from loved ones. Neighbors, family and friends all put forth just a little effort to make sure I can make rehab appointments, keep a clean home, and see to the emotional needs of my children.
In this world, and living a half-life, it is so easy to be sidelined, forgotten, and skipped over. Living a life filled with rehabilitation, recovery, and limited activity, you can easily be missed. It is vital that you remember that you are the hero/heroine of your own story. You take back seat to no one. Being unable to do much does not mean that you are stuck doing nothing.
After two very stress filled weeks of testing and evaluation, I did something about it. I reached outside of myself and was able to participate with HEROIC, in making some kids very happy. HEROIC is a group comprised of individuals who pass both a screening and interview process. They design and maintain their own costumes and must pass a review board prior to using their costumes in reaching out to children and family events. No compensation, no money is ever exchanged. They work to represent their character in-line with branding and marketing. They have a code of not doing anything to demean either the character, or the organization.
HEROIC asks for no financial compensation as each person creates a look, passes a review board, and uses that look to make kids smile. This is all done on their own time. They attend conventions and willingly pose with kids and families. They support local library reading events or other local events to promote community, safety, and family. They respond to community requests for children having surgery, staying in the hospital, and annually help with Toys for Tots drives. You can learn more and enjoy some of what they have done by reaching out. HEROIC Inc.
As part of my review process I attended, for a few short hours, a local kids fair. Seeing the excitement, enjoyment, and hearing the laughs of the kids was a balm to my (shut away) soul. I miss helping kids. I miss so much their pleasure when you notice them. Their spontaneity and smiles while with their families. Even the reactions of some adults on seeing much loved characters brought to life brought a smile to my face. It was a joyful experience, made better by associating with others who feel the way that I do. It was all about the kids.
I found that even with the stress and anxiety of the unknown that I am dealing with, I can bring joy to others. I can serve. I cannot do much, but I can do something. Have I Done Any Good?
I am the heroine of my own life, just as you are the hero of yours. Don't let anyone tell you differently. If it is hard to imagine yourself as the hero, be a child's hero, as much as you can be.
Nothing feels better than helping someone else smile, just because you can.
God bless and keep you.
A personal journey beginning the day I was rushed from the Emergency Room and admitted to the hospital to be treated for a large brain tumor. Through this life experience I try to share lessons I have learned and my faith in God is a large part of that. Some images can be graphic in nature, dealing with injury and subject matter can be triggering for some readers.
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