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So over the past few months I have experienced some pretty dismissing comments. I'm actually amazed that people would say these things ...

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Let it Be

So, for you that know me, I love music. All music; Classical, soul, gospel, country, rock, pop, punk, alternative, and even disco. I have spent much of my time, in years past, listening to music, attending concerts, and simply enjoying the way that music reflects emotions and life.

Since surgery, sounds have become incredibly painful. Extra noise, of any kind, is just that, noise. It hurts. I get headaches, become easily overwhelmed and have trouble finding the pure enjoyment that music used to hold for me.  That is, until this week.

The Beatles offer such a simple melody that while overhearing some songs the other day I found I could relax.  I caught myself nodding my head, singing along (off-key), and generally just being in the moment.

So, the simple melody works. What a blessing. Not for everyday, but for now its a place to start. A place to relearn how to take in music and not become encompassed with all the "stuff" going on around me. Tolerances for other music remain low. My next project will be working on Mozart, is the next step forward in relearning to enjoy classical music. I have missed this part of my life.

God Bless and keep you, and "Let it Be".

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