When coping with an injury such as TBI that can result in
disabilities and other complications, it is easy to become focused on the
injury. The more you focus on the event, on what happened, on the impact in
every area of your life; it can eclipse other areas of your life. You see, breathe,
and live your injury as its impact seeps into the corners of your life.
Activity levels, energy, memory, mood are all impacted and make it seem as if
your entire life is made up of your injury.
It is only as you work to establish areas of your life, apart from your injury, that you find how much of you is still there. Each additional skill, talent, or interest adds to the complexity and fullness of a life that can be yours. It is not easy, nothing worth doing ever is. With careful and consistent effort you will find that you have a full and meaningful life, in spite of your injury.
The impacts of the injury are still there, but as you grow and develop; its impact becomes less important. I encourage you to reach out, to stretch, push your limits and test yourself. Discover a new level of living and being that allows you to live a meaningful existence. Injury is not the end; it is simply a part of your journey.
We each face trials, for some it is more apparent. your injury can serve as a spring board to propel you higher and farther than you ever imagined going. Look on your injury as a chance to take stock, an opportunity to reimagine what and who you can become. You will have pain and grief as you let go of ideas and ideals of what you thought you were, but now is the time to decide who you are and who you will be. You have the power to choose, to decide what you will be. Be patient with yourself and kind with others and you will find more is possible than you imagined.
God bless and keep you.
God bless and keep you.

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