Dear person-
While I appreciate your personal pain, please do not assume that you in anyway understand the scope of all that has happened. You haven't taken the time to listen, let alone understand. You assume and perceive my life through your own narrow lens. You make assumption after assumption, imagining that somehow I actually share all my pain. I may write about some of my challenges, more as an expression that they are real, but I in no way dwell on them. My life is made up of more than my injury, of more than my pain and I would much rather amplify the positive aspects of my life. Never fear, I am very aware of the realities, of the pain. Trust me, it never leaves long enough to forget. Please allow me to correct a few of the misconceptions about my life demonstrated in your letter.
"Well, at least you are home..." Factual yes, but this does not encompass the extensive support network that makes me living in my community possible. My husband is sometimes father more than spouse and I feel consistent guilt that I am, as yet, unable to be a full partner in our marriage. Every part of our relationship is a balancing act of my abilities and tolerance levels. My neighbors are aware and available should the unforeseen occur. I have hired help to get me through the days and do simple things like run and play with my children. I am home with oversight, care, and extensive support networks.
"You get to get better..." Yes, but again this is not without extensive support and effort. Every part of my day is weighed and measured. I have made many sacrifices of time and money to do everything I can to heal and improve, those efforts are paying off, but it is not without cost. I exist in a state of pain. That pain can wax and wane with the barometer pressure, dietary changes, temperature, and even hydration levels. Here's the kicker, I am through less than 1/2 of my lifespan- I will live much of my life struggling with executive function issues, and when it gets bad, even basic bodily functions.
You go on to share your desires, despite what is best for others, with "I want...' Great, so do the rest of us. We all want but all of us must weigh the responsibility of what we want with our capacity. Endangering others for your wants is unacceptable. Period. That's it. You do not get to endanger others for your wants. Wants are not needs.
I love you. I know you are hurting, but I beg you to never assume that you understand the full reality of another persons life. You can share, empathize, and be with them, but you are not them. You can share, but you do not know. As long as you continue to use what you do know to justify your own actions and excuse your wants you will never know. Knowing is placing the needs of others over your own wants. Knowing is moving, even if it hurts, because it will be worth it. Knowing is showing love and hiding pain when it hurts the most because someone else needs the space for a time to grieve themselves. Only by working to really know can we actually see one another as they are, and not as we are.